AndroidのFirebase Installations version 16.2.0で追加されたlintチェックがAndroid Gradle plugin 3.6と互換性がなくてビルドできない

Firebase OSSのこちらのIssueで報告されているように、Android Gradle plugin 3.6(Android Studio 3.6)以上のプロジェクトでFirebase Installations version 16.2.0が依存性に入るとlintでビルドが失敗するようになります。


Added a lint check to the compile process that prevents parallel usage of Firebase installations and incompatible versions of the Firebase Instance ID SDK that are older than firebase-iid:20.1.0. Firebase installations creates FIDs as Firebase client identifiers. Versions of the Firebase Instance ID SDK before v20.1.0 created different Firebase client identifiers: Instance IDs. This check prevents problems for Firebase targeting that might be caused by conflicting Firebase client identifiers.



android {
    lintOptions {
        disable "IncompatibleIidVersion"